Minnesota Golf For Vets, now DunMac Golf for Vets (DMGFV), came about over two decades ago because of one man’s vision. Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Duncan McClellan, was an Army veteran, an outstanding high school/collegiate hockey player, a retired insurance and real estate professional, a low-handicap amateur golfer and golf instructor. Duncan is a strong family man along with his wife, Joyce, and their children, one of whom is a Gulf War Combat Veteran who experiences PTSD and is being treated at the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Duncan had a vision which was forming in his mind for years. He was working at Victory Links Golf Course, a PGA golf facility in Blaine, Minnesota, and along with his other duties, Duncan was teaching many local veterans the game of golf. He saw the wellness benefits the veterans received, both physically and spiritually, from the game of golf along with the enjoyment of fellowship and social camaraderie with other veterans. He knew what the discipline and execution of the game had done for him, for others, and potentially for his son, all having the opportunity to work with a Golf Pro and the VA. Duncan began to build a specialized program geared to the special needs of qualified veterans. He applied for a 501(c)(3) IRS nonprofit status so that funds could be raised to help with fees, lessons, equipment, prizes, etc.
About fifteen years ago, Duncan was attending the 3M Senior Tour event at TPC International in Blaine, Minnesota where he struck up a conversation on the next door’s 18th Green with a fellow golf “soul mate” and U.S. Navy veteran, Miles Cohen. They had much in common, culturally, (besides golf) including experience in D-I sports. Duncan had helped Bob McNamara and others start up the U of M Gopher Women’s Hockey Program and Miles (although born and raised in West Philadelphia) had deep roots as well with the U of M Football Program. In addition, Miles was an attorney who had experience in the non-profit sector. The two became close friends and together they continued to advance the cause for Golf for Vets which has now grown from three members to currently over one hundred members.
A few years ago, due to their age and some infirmities, Duncan and Miles felt it would be wise to involve younger veterans in order to expand Golf for Vets and formalize its Board of Directors. The Simulator Winter Golf Program was initiated at Bunker Hills Golf Club and has been a great success with most members becoming active in it allowing Golf for Vets and the current Board of Directors (by way of fundraising) to expand both the “real” summer golf at Victory Links as well as the simulator winter activity at Bunker Hills. Victory Links Golf Course and Bunker Hills Golf Club administrations and Golf Pros have been extremely supportive along with the Brooklyn Park Vet Center, specifically Neil Krenz, GCDF. Duncan McClellan, Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Miles Cohen, Founder and Chairman Emeritus, and the current serving Board of Directors are listed in a separate section of this website. They are collectively guided by Duncan’s same vision which will ensure that DunMac Golf for Vets will continue to move forward.
Submitted by Miles Cohen, February 2020